Private Ferienwohnung auf einer Finca in Andalusien

Tango- and Feldenkrais holidays on the Finca

This year, there will be nine very special days on the Finca for Tango and Feldenkrais enthusiasts!

Agenda September 2.-10.,2015:


Continental breakfast
09:30-11:00 Feldenkrais (Awareness to movement)
for better posture, flexibility, coordination and balance
11:00-12:30 Tango classes, adjusted to the needs and skills of the participants
Tango, Vals, Milonga (rhythm, technique, figures, leading)
Ab 12:30 Brunch, afterwards free time for relaxing, swimming, sightseeing or individual Feldenkrais and Tango classes
19:00-20:00 Dinner (optional, minimum number of participants: 10 people)
20:30-21:30 Tango dancing and Milonga
This takes place on one or two evenings, possibly with live music outside the Finca in a restaurant right on the beach.

Teachers for Tango classes and practical dance lessons:

grew up in Chile in a Tango-loving family.
She was trained as a professional Tango dancer and is known for
numerous theater and television shows. Ballet, Jazz dance, all Latin dances
and her great passion, Belly dancing are integral parts of her dayily life.
Today Marcela lives in Vera / southern Spain and is teaching throughout
the region with commitment and enthusiasm: Latino, Belly dancing and
especially traditional Argentine Tango & Milonga.

Michaela and Tom
They dance Tango Argentino intensively and full of enthusiasm for 10 years. Their personal touch evolved from the influences of many different Tango teachers. Michaela and Tom have the ability to respond to each student individually with skill and empathy. This makes the Tango classes to a very special experience.
Michaela danced before: Jazz dance, Folklore, Ballroom dance, Boogie and Oriental dance
Tom has developed his skills through theater, Ballet and Ballroom dance and refines rhythm and musicality through his love for playing the Gitano guitar.

Feldenkrais and organization:

She has developed her knowledge and skills in thirty years of intensive body work with people of all ages who go in and out in her health center every day. For five years, she dances Tango Argentino with great passion and therefore has the ability to implement her preferred field of "Body work by Moshé Feldenkrais" directly for Tango dancers.

Tango Argentino is a dance that touches you.
It is an encounter with yourself and your partner, an encounter in the music and the dancers.
Anyone can dance Tango Argentino, regardless of age and previous knowledge. Tango is a dance of improvisation, everyone developes his own dance.
The Tango thrives on dialogue, on creativity and musicality.

In order to bring you closer the fun of Tango Argentino, we develop structures and steps with you to give you the "tools" for footloose and creative dancing.

Singles are welcome! We help you to find your dancing partner.

Date: 01.09.-11.09.2015 (Variable length of stay possible.)
Prices: Group lessons Feldenkrais and Tango: each
Practical dance lessons and Milonga: 5,-€/pers. (course participants) / 10,-€/pers. (external participants)
Individual lessons Feldenkrais and Tango: according to the arrangement 40,-€ to 60,-€
Continental breakfast und brunch including beverages: 18,-€/day
Dinner including beverages: 25,-€/day
Flights: Air Berlin offers cheap tickets. Or Ryanair, e.g., Memmingen-Alicante approx. 150,- €
Accomodation: Accommodation is available on the Finca or in hotels nearby. Information about the Finca and the accommodations can be found via the links in the navigation menu or directly on request.

For more informationen please contact us:

Physiotherapeutische Praxis Braun, Mrs. Gabriele Braun,
Murkenbachweg 67, 71032 Böblingen
Fax  07031/287455 , Phone 07031/287454