Private Ferienwohnung auf einer Finca in Andalusien

Tango-Week on the Finca

Who wants to pass holydays in autumn dancing Tango in sunny Andalusia?

Again, this year there is a Tango workshop for beginners at Finca Molino de la Higuera. During five evening courses two hours each, the two tango dancers, Astrid and Wolfgang, who enjoy dancing for many years, will teach us the fundamentals of Argentinean tango:

The course contains exercises for balance, posture, coordination, flexibility, rhythm, basic step sequences, techniques for leading, perception and realization of leading. Pairwise registration is desirable. Single registration is possible after consultation by telephone. (We try to arrange a dancing partnership.) Shoes with leather sole would be ideal (dancing shoes).

After the courses fancy-free dancing with "Open-End" is possible. We will dance open-air on the terrace next to the pool. The weather should not be a problem as we are in Andalusia.

Date: to be announced
Motto: Let´s Tango on the Finca - Queremos Tango en la Finca
Prices: each pair for 10 hours: 100 Euro
Flights: Air Berlin at the moment offers cheap flights:
e. g. --
Accomodation: Accomodation is possible on the finca or at hotels nearby. Informationen about the finca and the possibilities for accomodation you can find via the navigation menu on the left.

For more informationen please contact us:

Physiotherapeutische Praxis Braun, Mrs. Gabriele Braun,
Murkenbachweg 67, 71032 Böblingen
Fax  07031/287455 , Phone 07031/287454

Tango Argentino
Picture: Schorle
License: GFDL
Find the original here.